
Trove is an amazing concept that changes the way people shop locally – but taking advantage of an easy to use, engaging online delivery platform.
The two founders asked us to help take them from an idea to a live product, and we worked closely with them to turn the idea into reality quickly while using their startup budget as effectively as possible.

As a platform that would empower local business and as a concept that aimed to bring jobs into local communities as they would hire their delivery fleet and drivers directly, it matched our values completely.

After an initial workshop to understand the most significant challenges to tackle, we ran a design sprint focused on their core customer – the local suppliers. Within one week, we designed and prototyped the supplier tablet application and tested it on actual suppliers to ensure we focused on solving the right challenges.

We ran a 1-week Design Sprint to ensure we were solving the right challenge for the right people.


Working in an agile way enabled Trove to go from idea to MVP in a short time by quickly prototyping and testing as we went. By rapidly putting together materials that we tested on real users without getting caught up in trying to make things perfect from the start – we learnt what did – and most importantly – didn’t work fast.